RT @mxnow Leslie Boyd sez: "Today is my last day" at Citizen-Times."Will do health care advocacy and education full time." bit.ly/3cifm1
Jason Sanford at Ashevegas relays Boyd's complete statement.
Today is my last day at the Asheville Citizen-Times. I have chosen to step down -- I was offered the chance to stay -- because it's time for me to turn to health care education and advocacy full time. This lousy, broken health care system we have has killed more than a quarter million people since the turn of the millennium...
Leslie Boyd
Tim Peck | July 23, 2009
Asheville Citizen-Times reporter Leslie Boyd has violated the code of journalistic ethics by participating in partisan political events as an advocate while also covering the story for her employer.
Unstated Policy At AC-T: See No Evil
Erika Franzi | July 31, 2009
Mr. Randy Hammer, president and publisher of the Asheville Citizen-Times, claimed rather weakly in our phone conversation yesterday to have no personal knowledge of Ms. Boyd advocating a political position in the community.