by Jorge Besada

1. Wealth, Production, Action, Value, Trade. This video begins the introduction to economics and explain basic building blocks like the nature of wealth, society's continuous cycle of production and consumption, human action, value and trade. The concepts mentioned here are discussed in more detail in my book "Economics, the Social Order, and the Ron Paul Revolution" which can be purchased from here:
2. Economic Growth = Prosperity; Competition. This video provides an example that shows how the concepts of production, consumption, human action, value and trade all work together to shape the social order. Then it shows how we should be concerned about economic growth and realize that as the economic pie grows everyone will inevitably get a bigger slice of prosperity. Finally it introduces the concept of economic competition.
3. The Interest Rate and Savings. This video discusses the role that the interest rate and savings play in the economy.
4. Government Bureaucracies and Regulation. This video discusses the inherent inefficiencies in government as well as the disastrous effects of government regulation. Special attention is paid to the health care sector's Food and Drug Administration and American Medical Association.
Video Playlist
"What Has Government Done to Our Money" by Murray Rothbard, as read by Jeff Riggenbach.