Deschutes Blame Game, PART 1
April 7, 2016
The Pete Kaliner Show
Deschutes Blame Game, PART 2
April 11, 2016
Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Meeting (April 5, 2016)
Approval of the minutes for the closed meeting on March 15, 2015
Ben Teague to Wanda Greene 11/20/2015

Wanda Greene to Michael LaLonde (Deschutes) 10/07/2015

David Gantt public announcement 11/21/2015

Ellen Frost to Miranda Debruhl, cc:Michael Frue, March 29, 2016
--> Frue to Jon Ostendorff (WLOS), March 30, 2016

Barry Summers, Mountain Xpress, 4/2/2016

Accusations, blame follow Deschutes loss
Joel Burgess | Asheville Citizen-Times | April 7, 2016
County commissioners who voted for a deal, which included buying a $6.8 million parcel to lure Deschutes Brewery, said Republican Commissioner Miranda DeBruhl was partially or even largely to blame for the Oregon-based company choosing Roanoke instead of Asheville as the home for its new East Coast facility. "I am really concerned about the (135) people in our community that would have had a good job if we hadn’t of gone off half-cocked," said Commissioner Holly Jones, an Asheville Democrat representing District 1. "Those people are really short-changed by folks having their own agendas." The chairman said DeBruhl likely harmed the deal by publicly casting doubt on whether it would work, calling it "a fairy tale" and "a joke." "And in fact, called the president of the company and asked when they were going to make their mind up, right at a critical time … We were right in the middle of heavy negotiations."
@RavenRavinoff on Twitter
8:21pm · 6 Apr 2016
Apparently @electmirandanc is a loose cannon w/ ZERO business sense.
Thanks a bunch, Miranda!…
#avlnews #avlgov

Guest columnist: Did politics cost Buncombe County good jobs?
Holly Jones | Asheville Citizen-Times | April 8, 2016

Letter: A party that has become unrecognizable
Diane Amos, Weaverville | Asheville Citizen-Times | April 15, 2016
...In our Buncombe County commission, our three Republican commissioners hate everything the Democrats propose, even to (in the view of some) sabotage the deal with Deschutes, costing our county hundreds of jobs...
Barry Summers, Mountain Xpress, 4/14/2016

Comments to LTE: DeBruhl stood up for taxpayers in Deschutes Brewery case, April 22, 2016

Miranda DeBruhl (@electmirandanc) on Twitter
10:19 PM - 5 Oct 2015
I'm glad to know that @DeschutesBeer is officially interested in @buncombeGov via @asheville. Can Michael Lalonde talk tomorrow? #jobs
7:15 PM - 6 Oct 201
Got more done in 7 minutes this AM than was done in the last 7 months on not so "secret" Ferry Rd project. @wlos @asheville #jobs
7:26 PM - 6 Oct 2015
I confirmed this morning there was no company interested in closing a deal on Ferry Rd property when @buncombeGov bought it. #fairytale
8:27 PM - 6 Oct 2015
It’s time for the facts to come out about the secret meeting and the #fairytale
8:42 PM - 6 Oct 2015
@MarkBarrettACT @DeschutesBeer Just now figuring out how to collect the trash while we now engage in the real estate biz #fairytale #nuts
10:16 PM - 22 Oct 2015
See...I told you there was no deal this summer.
Deschutes announcement could come in 2016 via @citizen-times